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90-98 Metro 111 114 repair manual for all versions of this Rover, hardback edition from Haynes (93_1711)
$34.95 |
90-98 90 110 130 Defender Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover on CD (94_HLMHP27)
$59.95 |
95-2003 Land Rover T4 Mobile Omitec Testbook IDS Dealer Tool Diagnotic Manual how to use the tool (99_LR_Test)
$224.95 |
95-2003 Land Rover Shop Manuals on 3-CD Set incl all Engine overhaul, Transmission, Transfercase, Electrical Troubleshoot, Body, & Owners Manuals for all 95-2003 Range Rover, Classic, Discovery, II, Freelander, & Defender in Adobe PDF format (99_RAVE)
$224.95 |
02-10 Range Rover all Manuals Collection by Land Rover on DVD CD including Shop Manuals Owners Manuals Parts Manuals & more (B04_LTP3008)
$89.95 |
50-59 Rover 60 75 80 90 105 models Shop Service Repair Manual by Rover cars (54_Rover_Svc)
$54.95 |
62-71 Series IIA & IIB Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover on CD (595_HMLHP21)
$59.95 |
Rover 2000 Autobook 63-72 service manual (68_296)
$19.95 |
83-92 Defender 90 & 110 Factory Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover: 842 pages covering all gas & diesel versions including 4 cyl & V8. (88_LR90WH)
$94.95 |
Sterling & Rover 825 & 827 shop service repair manual hardcover edition (European edition, includes 820) by Haynes also covers Vitesse (91_1380)
$34.95 |
89-98 Land Rover Discovery Shop Service Repari Manual by Haynes covers gas petrol engines 3.5 & 3.9 Turbo Diesel 2.5 (95_3016)
$49.95 |
97-06 Freelander Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes covering both gas & diesel 4 cyl. Does not cover V6 Land Rover (B02_5571)
$49.95 |
2007-2016 Land Rover Defender Diesel Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (B11_6398)
$59.95 |
45-55 Postwar British Thoroughbreds by B. Hudson 182pg hardcover restoration guide for Triumph Woseley Sunbeam Rover Riley Morgan MG Lea Francis Lanchester Lagonda Jowett Jensen Jaguar HRG Healey Daimler Bristol Healy Aston Armstrong Siddeley Alvis Allard AC & more (50_PostwarBrit)
$19.95 |
48-58 Series I Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover on CD (52_HMLHP19)
$59.95 |
Original Land Rover Series I, by James Taylor; 128 page restoration guide for 48-58 Land Rovers (53_150086)
$49.95 |
48-58 S1 Factory Shop Service Manual for Land Rover Series 1 (53_B_LR10WH)
$56.95 |
48-58 Practical Classics on Land Rover Series 1 Restoration From the Land Rover Owner Magazine is this info in dismantling reassembly towing tracking winching engine cylinder head conversion suspension brakes gearbox carburetion body electronics chassis painting and advice on buying 230 photos 92 pages (53_LRRPC)
$19.95 |
71-81 Series 3 S3 Official shop service Repair Operation Manual (4&6cyl.), 378 pages by Land Rover for Series III (76_B_LR34WH)
$79.95 |
84-94 Montego 1.3/1.6 Haynes Repair manual hardback covers Austin & Rover saloon & estate (89_1066)
$34.95 |
Turbo Diesel Engine & Transmission Overhaul manual by Land Rover; 224 pgs for 300TDi engine, R380 manual transmission, and LT230T transfer case (93_B_LR30WH)
$39.95 |
89-99 Discovery Land Rover Shop Service Repair Manuals Parts Manuals & Owners Manuals on CD Rom (94_LTP3004)
$89.95 |
51-62 Rover 60 75 90 110 Shop Service Repair Manual by Rover (56_ROVER60_110S)
$81.95 |
53-64 Rover Autobook One- Workshop Service Repair Manual for 60 75 80 90 95 100 105S 105R and 110 including Roverdrive automatic transmission (69_RoverAutoboo)
$44.95 |
70-81 Range Rover Estate Car Owners Workshop Manual by AutoBooks (76_RRovr_Svc)
$24.95 |
76-87 3500 SD1 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for Rover V8 Sedan (77_0365)
$34.95 |
SD1 3500, 2600, 2300, shop manual by Rover (80_ROVSD1S)
$79.95 |
76-87 Rover 3500 2300 2600 V8 Vitesse CD-Rom Shop Manual (815_HMCC6001)
$39.95 |
2300 2600 6 Cylinder Supplement Manual to Rover 3500 SD1 Repair Manual by Rover (82_AKM36161)
$59.95 |
84-95 Montego 2.0 Haynes Repair manual hardback for Austin MG Rover saloon & estate, and Turbo (90_1067)
$34.95 |
83-95 Defender 90 & 110 Electrical & Air Conditioning Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (88_LSM89WM)
$189.95 |
83-95 90 & 110 Data & Maintenance Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (89_LSM85WM)
$34.95 |
83-95 90 & 110 Engine Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (89_LSM86WM)
$44.95 |
83-95 90 & 110 Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (89_LSM87WM)
$39.95 |
83-95 90 & 110 Chassis Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (89_LSM88WM)
$34.95 |
83-95 Land Rover Defender 90 110 Workshop service repair Manual and owners manual 128 pages by Lindsay Porter & Dave Pollard gas petrol diesel (90_Defender)
$34.95 |
1997 Introduction to Land Rover Products Technical training manual by Land Rover for Discovery Range Rover Defender 90 with many chapters service info back to 1987, tech descriptions, specifications capacities (97_TT102)
$69.95 |
94-06 R380 Transmission Gearbox Overhaul Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover as used in the Defender (B00_R380_Ovrhl)
$49.95 |
48-61 Land Rover 1, 2 1595, 1997cc Petrol Engines 2052cc Diesel engines Owners Workshop Manual by Autobooks (54_LRS1_Abooks)
$39.95 |
58-71 2 & 2A Official Shop Service Repair Manual 966 pages. Complete coverage: Two volumes in one by Land Rover for Series II & IIA gas petrol 2.6 2 1/4 and diesel 2 1/4 engines (645_B_LR15WH)
$89.95 |
74-87 Freight Rover British Leyland Sherpa Shop Manual by Haynes (80_463)
$19.95 |
98-11 Freelander & LR2 all Manuals Collection by Land Rover on DVD CD including Shop Manuals Owners Manuals Parts Manuals & more (B02_LTP3007)
$89.95 |
63-77 Rover 2000 & 2200 P6 shop service repair manual by Haynes (70_0034)
$34.95 |
63-77 2000 P6 Official Repair Operation Manual, 700 pages. (includes 2200) (70_B_RV48WL)
$49.95 |
71-85 Land Rover Series 3 Reborn by L. Porter documenting restoration & modification covering suspension brakes steering engine transmission body improvements and more in 256 pages with over 1500 color photos (78_193681)
$59.95 |
71-85 Series III Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover on CD (78_HMLHP22)
$59.95 |
83-95 Defender 90 & 110 Owners edition Workshop service repair Manual 227 pages by Land Rover & Brooklands gas petrol 2.25 2.5 3.5 V8 diesel 2.25 2.5 2.5TD 2.5 TDI (89_B_LR90OWH)
$39.95 |
49-64 Rover P4 Drivers Guild Technical Tips the First 25 Years by S Johnstone 182 page Shop Service Repair Manual (56_P4Tech)
$79.95 |
Repair Times Schedule for Rover Car and Land Rover Models, including Land Rover, 3 and 3 1/2 Litre, 2000 and 3500 (675_LRTimes)
$29.95 |
70-85 Range Rover Shop Service Repair Operations Manual 508 pages by Land Rover (75_B_RR10WH)
$69.95 |