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Studebakers Hidden Treasure by M James 88pgs all about 1956-1967 Golden Hawk models with full color photographs & more (57_802393)
$39.95 |
56-61 Champion of the Lark - by R Ebert - Harold Churchill and the Presidency of Studebaker Packard with over 90 photos (59_ChampionLark)
$39.95 |
56-63 Hawk & Lark, 100 pgs of articles about Studebaker cars, compiled by Brooklands portfolios (60_A_ST56)
$39.95 |
56-64 Studebaker Hawk Photo Archive history book by Ed Reynolds (60_10184)
$36.95 |
Hawk by Studebaker 1956-1967 by Don Narus inlcudes history of desigers, promoters & production. 72ogs (60_Hawk_Naurus)
$29.95 |
56-66 Studebaker Hawks & Larks Limited Edition Premier Book Portfolio by Brooklands - 160 pages 300 photos (61_STHLX3)
$39.95 |
Independent Compact Cars by D Narus 120 pages covering Hudson Kaiser Frazer Nash Studebaker & Willys (50_Compact)
$22.95 |
46-58 Photo Archive of Studebaker Edited by Howard L. Applegate (52_10031)
$36.95 |
50-63 Custom Car Yearbook #1 by the Editors of Hot Rod, Rod & Custom & Car Craft Magazines (57_CCYearbook1)
$99.95 |
49-64 Independent Hardtops 157 pages over 200 B&W photos featuring Packard Studebaker Hudson Nash Kaiser Frazer Willys by Don Narus (55_independent)
$39.95 |
My Father The Car memoir of a life with Studebaker 144 pages by S.Chapman covering the later and closing years of Studebaker from the inside. (65_38663)
$49.95 |
47-66 Studebaker Gold Portfolio, 180 pgs of articles compiled by Brooklands including Lark Golden Silver Hawk Commander & all other models (57_A_ST47GP)
$49.95 |
Studebaker - The Classic Postwar Years by Richard M Langworth (79_Classic_Post)
$129.95 |
42-62 The Packard by Nathaniel T Dawes - A definitive history of the Packard company, covering the years from the early WWII era until the company's demise (52_PackardDawes)
$59.95 |
46-66 Studebaker Ultimate Portfolio 208 pgs of road test articles compiled by Brooklands including Lark Golden Silver Hawk Commander & all other car models (57_A_ST46UP)
$44.95 |
41-64 Truck Photo Archive of Studebaker Trucks: 128 pages (53_122227AE)
$39.95 |
45-70 A-Z Of Cars for Classic and Sportscars (575_AZ_Classic)
$89.95 |
Independent Sports Cars by D Narus 107 pgs with Avanti Crosley Hot Shot Kaiser Darrin DeLorean Hudson Italia AMC Javelin Nash-Healey & Studebaker Hawk (65_Independent)
$24.95 |
20-58 Packard Brooklands Portfolio 123 articles incl Six Eight 8-33 Speedster Super Eight 120 Twelve Convertible Sedan Patrician Cavalier Constellation 400 Clipper Hawk & more 196 pages over 500 photos (39_199716AE)
$59.95 |
26-64 Studebaker history compilation of historical & road test articles compiled by the editors of Hemmings Motors News & Special Interest Auto; 108 pgs. (45_130772)
$129.95 |
Todays Sports and Competition Cars by Tom McCahill (59_TodaysSportC)
$34.95 |
Studebaker Less Than They Promised by Beatty Furlong & Pennington 60 pages covering Studebakers early days through the South Bend shutdown in 1963 (33_800714)
$24.95 |
Studebaker Century a National Heritage by A Hall 192 page hard cover history (35_StudeCentury)
$69.95 |
More Than They Promised - The Studebaker Story by Thomas E Bonsall - 496 pages 205 illustrations Hardcover (30_33297)
$54.95 |
Motor Memories - A Saga of Whirling Gears by Eugene W Lewis (47_MotorMemorie)
$12.95 |
Great American Automobiles - A Dramatic Account of their Achievements in Competition by John Bentley (57_GreatAmAuto)
$9.95 |
Any Color so Long as it's Black - the first fifty years of automobile advertising - by Peter Roberts - 144 pages full of illustrations (76_AnyColorBlac)
$29.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 19 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models St through SW including Sunbeam Alpine Star Studebaker Stutz Subaru andmore (40_WOA_V19)
$29.95 |
1895-1970 Car of the Year - A 75 year Parade of American Automobiles that made news - by Henry B Lent (35_CarofYear)
$9.95 |
Studebaker - The Postwar Years by Richard M Langworth (79_StudebakerPo)
$39.95 |
Volume 48 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Studebaker final days 52-70 Studebaker Museum Audi SS Jaguar and more (B20_AQVol48Iss1)
$29.95 |
Studebaker - The Complete Story - by Willam A Cannon and Fred Fox - The fascinating history of a family the company they founded and their extraordinary line of vehicles (81_StudeComplet)
$99.95 |
02-66 Studebaker Buyer's Guide. Langworth. Covers all models including electrics, trucks and Avanti. 144 pg (45_Buyersguide)
$34.95 |
Automobiles of America - Milestones Pioneers Roll Call and Highlights - Wayne State University Press (60_AutoOfAmeric)
$14.95 |
Over A Century On Wheels by M Beckman Hardcover 160 pages exploring Studebakers history through vehicles & artifacts found in the Studebaker National Museum (17_802128)
$54.95 |
Studebaker Toy Treasures by J Geary with nearly 300 pages and over 1200 color photos of Studebaker toys including those modeled after cars trucks wagons military & other vehicles (30_801676)
$45.95 |
Motoring Costume by Andrew Lane about the driving costumes of the early 1900s (87_MotoringCost)
$19.95 |
Volume 01, Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Sebring, Luxury Cars, Future cars, New York to Paris, Avanti, Meet the Chowderheads, and others. (B20_AQVol01Iss2)
$19.95 |
Volume 10, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Bugatti, Burma Shave, Connaught and for the majority of the issue a major section on Studebaker (B20_AQVol10Iss3)
$19.95 |
Volume 12, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring LeBaron Coachbuilders, Diesel cars, Henry Ford V-8, Paris-Madrid, Studebaker Hawk. Automotive Quarterly. (B20_AQVol12Iss3)
$12.95 |
Volume 18, Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Shreveport, Antique Auto Racing Assoc., Aston Martin, Dodge, Studebaker President, Panhard. (B20_AQVol18Iss1)
$7.95 |
Volume 37 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Studebaker Avanti Harry Bennett Sergio Scaglietti Walker Electric Trucks Alain Moitrier and Alfa Romeo 8C (B20_AQVol37Iss1)
$24.95 |
Volume 49 Issue 1 of Automotive Quarterly featuring Avanti Bristol Barracuda Auto Union & more.. (B20_AQVol49Iss1)
$32.95 |
Zero to Fifty - A Lifetime in the Drivers Seat - Written and Illustrated by Kate Lake (50_ZeroToFifty)
$14.95 |
The Studebaker Century - A National Heritage by Asa E Hall and Richard M Langworth (40_StudeCentury)
$49.95 |
Studebaker Life and Death of an American Corporation by D. Critchlow 273 hardbound pages all text no photos (65_150115)
$59.95 |
History of Studebaker Cars through 1966 392 hardbound pages with approx 1,500 illustrations by J.H. Moloney (30_119940AP)
$69.95 |
Studebaker Complete History 192 pages Hardcover by Pat Foster (50_145440)
$49.95 |
A Century On Wheels The Story of Studebaker History 1852-1952 by S. Longstreet 120 Hardbound pages with some photos (50_StudeCentury)
$29.95 |