Description |
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72 8R-C & 18R-C Engine Repair manual by Toyota, as used on Corona, Mark II, and Celica models. (72_10500)
$23.95 |
72 Emission Control Repar manual by Toyota (72_Emission)
$14.95 |
72 Hi-Lux Repair Manual for chassis & body of Toyota pick-up (72_PickupServ)
$29.95 |
71-72 Celica service manual for Toyota by Intereurope. Also Carina (71_Cel_Svc_IE)
$29.95 |
71-72 Corolla service manual for Toyota by Intereurope for 1100 1200 1400 1600 (71_WSM_146_IE)
$29.95 |
72-73 Air conditioning repair manual for Corona, Celica, & Carina (725_00104)
$23.95 |
72 Carina Celica Chassis Repair shop Manual by Toyota TA12Y RA20L (72_98061)
$25.95 |
72-74 Land Cruiser Chassis & Body Shop Service Repair Manual by Toyota (73_980771)
$84.95 |
73-74 Hi-Lux Chassis and Body Repair manual by Toyota RN22 RN27 (73_98084)
$29.95 |
72-74 16R 18R 18rc Engine repair Manual, as used on Corona Celica & Pickup models by Toyota (73_98107)
$17.95 |
69-72 Corona Mark II Chassis Repair Manual by Toyota (70_98024)
$29.95 |
69-72 Hi-Lux Chassis repair manual by Toyota (70_98415)
$27.95 |
70-73 Corona Chassis repair manual. RT40 Series (715_98417)
$24.95 |
T & 2T Engine Repair Manual by Toyota as used in Corolla Carina & Celica (72_Eng_Rep)
$29.95 |
72 Complete Book of Japanese Import Cars by Petersen covering the Toyota Datsun Colt Mazda Honda and Subaru (72_JapImpPeters)
$19.95 |
71-74 Carina owners workshop manual, Haynes, used (73_150u)
$12.95 |
72-75 T & 2T Engine Shop Service Repair Manual by ToyotafFor Corolla Carina & Celica (73_98060_1)
$49.95 |
6R & 18R Engine Shop Service Repair Manual by Toyota (73_98080)
$19.95 |
Toyota 3K engine shop service repair manual, includes K and 2K also, as used on Corolla. (70_98007)
$29.95 |
70-74 Corolla KE & TE Series Chassis Service Manual by Toyota (71_Toy_KETE_Svc)
$29.95 |
70-74 Corolla KE & TE Series Body Repair Manual by Toyota (72_98048)
$29.95 |
69-73 Land Cruiser shop service Repair manual Supplement by Toyota for LandCruiser covers steering system, vacuum shift and electrical wiring diagram. (72_RM98100)
$29.95 |
72-76 Mark II Workshop Manual by Haynes; for 6-cyl. Toyota (138 & 156 engines) (73_200u)
$12.95 |
68-72 Toyota Corolla Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (75_A198)
$19.95 |
69-74 F-Engine Shop Service Manual by Toyota for Land Cruiser (705_98087)
$59.95 |
69-74 Toyota Corona & Mark II 1.9 & 2.0 workshop service repair manual by Haynes (71_230N)
$17.95 |
1969-74 Corona Mark 2 1700 1900 2000 Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks (71_A766)
$26.95 |
68-74 Carina & Celica Body Repair manual by Toyota (71_CarinCel_Bod)
$24.95 |
71-77 Toyota Celica 1600 GT & ST & Carina Workshop service repair Manual 150 pages by Autobooks (74_TOYCEL)
$29.95 |
67-74 Toyota Corolla 1100 1200 1600 Workshop service repair Manual by Haynes (69_201)
$23.95 |
67-74 Toyota Corolla 1100 1200 Shop Manual by Autobooks 168 hard cover pages (71_779)
$28.95 |
70-77 Toyota Repair & tune-Up Guide by Chilton (covers Corolla, Carina, Corona, Mark II,, Celica & Crown) (73_6540)
$9.95 |
70-77 Celica, Corolla and Corona Maintenance and Repair Guide by Motor (73_MotorMaint)
$4.95 |
70-77 Toyota Maintenance & Repair Guide for Celica, Corolla & Corona by Motor (74_ToyotaMotor)
$19.95 |
71-78 Celica ST, GT & Liftback (1.9, 2.0 & 2.2) owners workshop service repair manual by Haynes for Toyota (75_229)
$11.95 |
68-76 Toyota Corona Mark 2 Celica Crown Stout Hi-lux Service Handbook By Clymer (68_76_Corona)
$19.95 |
70-78 Corolla Service Manual for 4 cyl 1166 cc sedans, coupes, and wagons by Gregorys (70_122)
$42.95 |
66-74 Toyota Land Cruiser Shop Service Repair Manual by Chilton exclusively for LandCruiser including FJ40 45 & 55 with F-Series gas engine. (70_6276)
$84.95 |
FJ55V Land Cruiser wagon shop service repair chassis & body manual by Toyota (70_98040)
$59.95 |
1970-1978 Corona, ToyotaMKII & Celica Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (75_A192)
$16.95 |
M-Engine Shop Service Repair Manual by Toyota (67_M-Engine_Svc)
$34.95 |
Toyota Corona Mark II Technical Information MX Series. (72_Coron_Mk2)
$9.95 |
69-78 Toyota Pick-up truck shop service repair manual by Haynes Inludes Hi-Lux and Hi-Ace but not model 3R-C engine) (75_92070)
$34.95 |
Repairing The Inscrutable Toyota by Dick O'Kane an easy, clearly illustrated manual for the owner of any model Toyota. How to understand the car, cope with emergencies, and keep tiptop shape. (74_038502118_6)
$29.95 |
Toyota A140 Transaxle Shop Service Repair Manual by ATSG (75_A140_ToyotaA)
$29.95 |
71-81 Toyota Celica Service Manual by Clymer (76_A196)
$9.95 |
66-77 Toyota Tune Up for Everybody by P Young 148 page spiral bound shop service repair manual for all Toyota models (72_ToyotaTune)
$14.95 |
62-74 Toyota Land Cruiser Shop Service Manual by Intereurope including FJ40 43 45 & 55 with F-Series gas engine. WSM225 (62_WSM225)
$84.95 |
70-82 Cressida Large format shop service repair manual for Toyota by Chilton Also Corona, Crown, & Mk II. (76TY_68350)
$29.95 |
71-83 Celica & Supra Shop Service Repair Manual by Chilton's (76_7043)
$14.95 |