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TR5 Parts Manual by Truimph for TR 5 (68_TRIUMTR5P)
$59.95 |
BSA for Rocket 3 mk1 parts Book for (70_00_5710)
$48.95 |
71-74 GT6 parts catalogue Manual official Mk3 by Triumph (73_B_T456PH)
$69.95 |
71-74 Spitfire Mk. IV and 1500 Parts Manual by Triumph (73_MkIVParts)
$59.95 |
Parts Manual Book for Norton Mk3 (75_00_5756)
$48.95 |
35-39 Triumph Shop Manual for Single & Twin Cyl Rigid frame covering L2/1 2/1 2/5 3/1 3/2 3/5 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/10 6/1 Tiger 70 80 90 2H 70C 3S 3H 80C 5H 90C 6S 2HC 3SC 5T Speed Twin 5S T00 Tiger 100 incl 250 350 500 600 (37_TriumphIWM)
$39.95 |
Triumph Twin Restoration by Roy Bacon, Renovation Restoration and developement history of all pre-1972 production Triumph Twins. (40_133937)
$49.95 |
1953-57 TR2 TR3 Vangaurd 8 Factory Service Bulletins by Standard Triumph (55_501716)
$44.95 |
58-62 Twins Twenty one 3TA Speed Twin 5TA Tiger 100 T100A Shop Repair Service manual by Triumph 160 pgs (60_TR35TA100_SM)
$44.95 |
59-63 Twenty one Tiger 90 Speed twin Tiger 100 by Triumph 179 pgs combined service maintenance parts Manual (61_H29733_SM)
$34.95 |
68-72 T150 Trident 750 3 cylinder Shop Service Repair Manual by Triumph (70_T150Srvc_)
$44.95 |
69-73 Chiltons/Glenns Triumph car repair manual. TR2 TR3 TR3B TR4 Sports6 Spitfire Herald herald1200 (71_ChiltGlenTri)
$29.95 |
Practical Classics & Car Restorer Triumph Stag Restoration 102 pages (75_32551A)
$89.95 |
Wall Chart for Bonneville T140 Sect. 750 Engine by Triumph measures 21X27 inches (75_JRP011)
$19.95 |
Wall Chart for Norton Electric Start (76_00_5641)
$19.95 |
Rear Axle Overhaul Reference Book TR7 Tr8 and Rover 3500 5 Speed/Automatic by Jaguar Rover Triumph 16 pages (80_Reference)
$12.95 |
1979-83 T140 Bonneville Electric Start TR7 Tiger 750 TR65 Thunderbird Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual by Triumph (81_99_7059)
$88.95 |
2005-2011 Triumph Sprint ST 11-13 Sprint GT 05-13 Speed Triple 1050cc & 2007-13 Tiger 1050cc shop service repair manual by Haynes (B08_4796)
$44.95 |
35-39 British Cars of the Late Thirties by Olyslager Auto Library hard cover History covering Vauxhall Triumph Sunbeam BSA Ford & more (35_Brit30Oly)
$29.95 |
49-53 Mayflower owners manual by Triumph (51_Mayflower_OM - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
69-73 TR6 Sportscar Owners Manual: Official Owners Handbook (US Edition); 76 pages by Triumph (72_B_T169HL - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
Triumph TR7 TR8 Rover 3500 Maintenance and Emissions Manual for fuel injected models (80_7_8_3500 - Not a shop manual)
$59.95 |
64 Sales Brochure by Triumph for Triumph 2000 "A completely new class of car" (64_2000_Aut)
$29.95 |
Color Sales Brochure by Triumph for TR4 color 4 pages "America's most popular sports car." (64_Tr4_Bro)
$19.95 |
63-67 Parts Manual for Thunderbird Trophy TR6 & Bonneville by Triumph Motorcycles (65_TriumphParts)
$49.95 |
X75 Hurricane parts Book for (72_99_0967)
$55.95 |
69-73 TR6 Sportscar Parts & Illustrations Manual by Triumph, 322 pages. (73_B_T163PH)
$79.95 |
79-83 Parts Manual Book for 750 TSX by Triumph (82_99_7581)
$48.95 |
57-62 6T T110 TR6 T120 Service Shop service Repair Instruction Manual 17 by Triumph Eng Co 192 pages Thunderbird Tiger 110 Trophy TR6 Bonneville 120 (59_0945D101_SM)
$59.95 |
Triumph TR6 T120 Motorcycle Restoration Guide by D. Gaylin (61_JRP047)
$169.95 |
TR4 German Shop Service Repair Manual in German by Triumph (65_TRIUMTR4GER)
$69.95 |
Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual for T150-T150V 1969-74 (71_99_0887)
$88.95 |
73-78 Bonneville 750 T140v Haynes shop manual (73_0122)
$34.95 |
73-78 bike 750 Bonneville T140V T140E Tiger TR7V Twins Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual by Triumph (75_99_0983)
$88.95 |
75-80 Spitfire Complete Official factory shop service repair manual & owners manual combined into one large 520 page book by Robert Bentley for Triumph 1500 (775_X122)
$89.95 |
75-80 Spitfire 1500 Shop Service manual by Triumph Official Repair Operation Manual 216 pages. (77_B_T442WH)
$48.95 |
30-34 British Cars of the Early Thirties by Olyslager Auto Library hard cover History covering Vauxhall Triumph Sunbeam BSA Ford & more (30_BritOly)
$29.95 |
53-57 TR2 TR3 Owners manual by Triumph (54_501528_1 - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
57-62 TR3A & B Owners manual by Triumph (595_501528_3 - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
67-72 Cycle World on Triumph compilation of articles in an 80 page book about Triumph including T100 R Daytona, Trident 750, Dunstall 750, Daytona Racer, Tiger Cub & 650, 500 atisse, 650 Saint, Trophy 250 & 500, 350, T 120 R Bonneville (70_A_T67)
$39.95 |
75-80 Spitfire 1500 Owners manual 82 pages by Triumph (75_B_T4465H - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
75 TR6 Sportscar Sales Brochure by Triumph 12 color pages (74_Btr6)
$24.95 |
78 Triumph Spitfire Sales brochure 10pgs 10"x8.5" (78_spit_Sales)
$14.95 |
22-27 Triumph Parts Manual Sidecar Gloria. 1922-27. (24_TRI22_27SGP)
$24.95 |
Parts Manual Book for Triumph 350 & 500 No.4 1957-62 (59_99_0827)
$48.95 |
75-80 Parts Manual for Spitfire 1500 Factory Official, 200 pages by Triumph (77_RTC9819CB)
$69.95 |
TR10 Sedan Saloon Estate station wagon provisional shop service repair manual by Standard Triumph 948cc (58_TR10)
$49.95 |
57-63 Twenty One 3TA Speed Twin 5TA Tiger 100 T100A combined service maintenance parts manual 159 pages by Triumph (60_21T100_OM)
$36.95 |
Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual by Triumph 350 500 57-63 (60_99_0842)
$45.95 |
1959-65 Chiltons/Glenns Triumph car repair manual. TR2 TR3 TR3B TR4 Sports6 Spitfire Herald herald1200 (62_ChiltGlenTri)
$29.95 |