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Parts Manual Book for T20 All Markets 1965 (65_99_0813)
$48.95 |
Parts Manual Book for 650 No.3 1965 (65_99_0822)
$48.95 |
TR4A Spitfire MK3 Workshop manual supplement Emission controls SU carburetors 65-67 (65_545048)
$14.95 |
Owners Manual Handbook for T20 1963-5 (64_99_0834 - Not a shop manual)
$32.95 |
65-67 TR4A owners manual by Triumph (66_B_T148HH - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
65-67 TR4A Parts Manual Official Spare Parts Catalogue 336 pages by Triumph (66_B_T147PH)
$37.95 |
Owners Manual Handbook for 650 All Markets 1963-66 by Triumph from engine number DU.101 (64_99_0884 - Not a shop manual)
$32.95 |
64-67 Mk2 Spitfire owners manual by Triumph (65_Spit_OM - Not a shop manual)
$79.95 |
64 Sales Brochure by Triumph for Triumph 2000 "A completely new class of car" (64_2000_Aut)
$29.95 |
Color Sales Brochure by Triumph for TR4 color 4 pages "America's most popular sports car." (64_Tr4_Bro)
$19.95 |
63-67 Parts Manual for Thunderbird Trophy TR6 & Bonneville by Triumph Motorcycles (65_TriumphParts)
$49.95 |
TR4 German Shop Service Repair Manual in German by Triumph (65_TRIUMTR4GER)
$69.95 |
1959-65 Chiltons/Glenns Triumph car repair manual. TR2 TR3 TR3B TR4 Sports6 Spitfire Herald herald1200 (62_ChiltGlenTri)
$29.95 |
1961-65 TR4 Sports Roadsters Hardtop Coupes Shop Service Repair Manual by P. Olyslager Motor Manual Chapters cover: Identification, Engine and Serial Numbers, Modifications, Prices, Automatic Clutch, Electrical Equipment, Body Details, Colours, Dimensions and Weights, Technical Specifications (Gear Ratios, Performance Data, Road Test, etc.), Lubrication and Maintenance, Repair Data (Engine, Ignition System, Fuel System, Cooling System, Clutch, Gearbox, Chassis, Suspension, Steering, Brakes, etc.) (63_TR4Sport_svc)
$44.95 |
61-67 How To Restore Triumph TR4 & TR4A by R. Williams: 192 pgs. (64_133596AE)
$209.95 |
61-67 Triumph TR4 TR4A shop service Repair Manual by Autobooks (64_TR4_AB)
$34.95 |
62-68 Spitfire GT6 & Vitesse AUTOBOOK Service Manual for Triumph Spitfire 1 2 3 GT6 Mk 1 & 2 Vitesse 1600 and Vitesse 2 Liter (65_1588500284)
$29.95 |
Industry & People Cars by G Turner 125 page history covering the planning making & selling of the Mini Cortina Viva & Triumph sports car (62_CarTurner)
$49.95 |
62-68 Vitesse Owners Manual by Triumph (659780537651128 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
62-68 Spitfire MkI-II Parts Manual by Triumph for Mark1 MkII Mk1 Mark2 (65_TRISPITI_IIP)
$54.95 |
Competition Preparation Manual for TR4 & TR4A 46 pages also useful for TR2 & TR3 by Triumph (63_RFP2)
$19.95 |
62-67 TR4 & 4A Official Workshop service repair Manual by Triumph 360 pgs. (65_B_T142WH)
$59.95 |
61-68 Triumph Tr4 shop service repair manual by Robert Bentley includes owners & competition preparation 404 pgs (65_TR4Bentley)
$69.95 |
Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual for Triumph 650 cc 6T Thunderbird TR6 Trophy T120 Bonneville Motorcycles 1963-70 Unit Construction (66_99_0883)
$69.95 |
61-68 portfolio of articles about Triumph TR4 TR4A TR5 & TR250 100 pages compiled into book by Brooklands for TR 4 4A 5 & 250 (65_A_T4)
$19.95 |
61-61 Triumph TR4 TR4A TR5 TR250 Essential Buyers Guide by Child & Battyll 64 pages (65_Triumph_TR)
$19.95 |
62-70 Triumph Sports car shop service repair manual TR4 TR250 Spitfire GT6 by Chilton (65_5557)
$29.95 |
62-70 Mk1-3 Official Workshop service repair Manual for Spitfire Herald Vittesse 6 by Triumph, 272 pages (66_B_T612WH)
$59.95 |
63-71 Triumph 500 650 Twins Bonneville Tiger Daytona TR6 shop service repair manual by Clymer (66_M382)
$29.95 |
65-73 1300 & 1500 Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobook for Triumph 1300, 1300 TC, 1500 (69_1300_1500)
$29.95 |
2000 & 2500 Sedan Shop service repair manual by Triumph 560 pages (70_B_T272WH)
$69.95 |
Herald 948 owners manual by Triumph (60_508910 - Not a shop manual)
$59.95 |
62-70 Triumph Spitfire Owners service Handbook by Clymer Publications for Mark 1, 2, & 3 (66_m315 - Not a shop manual)
$27.95 |
Tuning Bulletin No.4 Tiger Cub (62_JRP008)
$5.95 |
Inst Man No.3 T20 in Spanish Language (62_JRP013)
$21.95 |
59-68 Herald Triumph Autobooks Workshop manual 184 pages (64_830)
$29.95 |
63-72 Triumph 2000 & T2.5 PI workshop manual by Intereurope 156 pgs (66_901690)
$39.95 |
A Video Taking you through the proscess of rebuilding the Triumph Unit 650 Engine on DVD (68_VID_0001)
$100.95 |
1965-74 1300/1500 Shop Service Repair Manual for Triumph by Haynes (70_1300_1500Hay)
$34.95 |
Red Reign 200mph Steamroller by BS Levy a wonderful novel about sports car racing Vol 1 (64_Steamroller)
$34.95 |
1962-1970 Weekends of Glory Volume 2 The history of Northwest Sports Car racing by Martin Rudow 208 hardbound pages about Seattle International Raceway Oregon International raceway Delta Park Westwood Tilamook Newport (65_PNWRACING)
$74.95 |
62-71 Triumph Vitesse Portfolio of articles about Triumph Vitesse 100 pages book by Brooklands (66_A_THV62)
$19.95 |
Tuning Bulletin No.14 Unit 650 (68_JRP010)
$1.95 |
Guide to Used Sports Cars 2 Volume Set by JH Haynes published 1965 (65_UsedSportsCa)
$39.95 |
63-74 Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual by Triumph for 350 & 500 (68_99_0843)
$59.95 |
53-65 Triumph TR2 TR3 TR4 Shop Service Repair Manual for TR 2 3 & 4 by Scientific Publications (59_Triumph_Man)
$39.95 |
59-71 Triumph Herald shop service repair manual by Haynes (65_0010)
$39.95 |
59-71 Triumph Herald & Vitesse CD-ROM Shop Manual (65_HMCC7008)
$49.95 |
62-74 GT6 & Vitesse shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for Triumph GT (68_0112)
$39.95 |
59-71 Triumph Herald & Vitesse the Essential Buyer's Guide 64 pages by Davies & Mace (65_200077)
$19.95 |