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1953-57 TR2 TR3 Vangaurd 8 Factory Service Bulletins by Standard Triumph (55_501716)
$44.95 |
53-57 TR2 TR3 Owners manual by Triumph (54_501528_1 - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
Triumph TR2/3/3A Super PRofile by Bill Piggot published by Haynes (87_F559)
$19.95 |
53-68 Restorer's guide to TR2-3 Original Triumph Triumph hardcover beautifully presented by B. Piggott for TR2 TR3 (56_126236)
$199.95 |
Overdrive by Laycock de Normanville: Service Manual also covering electrical controls: 36 pages (56_502274)
$17.95 |
52-61 Service Training book by Triumph Motor Co for Mechanics wroking on TR2 TR3 &TR3A (56_RFP57)
$17.95 |
52-61 TR2 TR3 Shop Manual by Triumph, 420 pages. (57_B_T122WH)
$69.95 |
Labor time manual for servicing of TR2 & TR3 by Triumph (57_RFP41)
$7.95 |
52-61 Triumph TR2 TR3 Shop Manual by Bentley (57_X125)
$89.95 |
Triumph by name, Triumph by nature: 287 hardbound pages by B. Piggott subtitled the Sidescreen TR compendium. TR2-3 production methods, history, documentation, tuning and more. Very comprehensive (57_120056D)
$129.95 |
52-61 Triumph TR2 & TR3 Gold Portfolio 172 pgs of road test articles compiled by Brooklands (57_A_T2GP)
$59.95 |
53-62 Essential Buyers Guide Triumph TR3 TR2 by A. Conners guide to weak points specs variants (59781787112728)
$32.95 |
52-61 TR2 & TR3 Official Spare parts manual Catalogue book 369 pages by Triumph Sports car (57_B_T124PH)
$49.95 |
52-62 Triumph TR3 TR3A TR2 Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks TR 2 3 3A (57_1588500276)
$34.95 |
How to Restore TR2 TR3 TR3A Triumph: 192 pages by Roger Williams for TR 2 3 & 3A (57_TriumphTR23A)
$224.95 |
52-61 Triumph Sidescreen TR's in Australia TR2 & TR3 184 pages Hardcover many high quality current & period B&W & color photos & illustrations by Graham White (57_BP53454)
$139.95 |
More BS about TR's Triumph Workshop stories by Bob Schaller 29 pages (60_RFP128)
$32.95 |
53-65 Triumph TR2 TR3 TR4 Shop Service Repair Manual for TR 2 3 & 4 by Scientific Publications (59_Triumph_Man)
$39.95 |
53-66 Triumph Shop Service Repair Manual By Glenn Covers TR2 TR3 TR TR3B TR4 sports 6 Spitfire Hearld 1200 (59_1433)
$29.95 |
TR for Triumph; 256 hardbound pgs by C. Harvey (59_P094)
$34.95 |
53-68 Restorer's guide to TR2-3-4-5 Original Triumph Triumph hardcover beautifully presented by B. Piggott for TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR250 (56_126236AE)
$299.95 |
52-67 TR2 TR TR4 Sports 6 Herald & Herald 1200 Glenn's Shop Service Repair & Tune-Up Guide Manual by Glen (595_TR_Glen)
$29.95 |
52-67 Triumph TR2-4A Shop Service Repair Manual TR2 TR3 TR4 & TR4A by Haynes (59_0028)
$54.95 |
How to improve Triumph TR2 TR3 TR4 TR4A: by R. Williams (59_135892AE)
$59.95 |
53-65 Triumph TR2 TR3 TR4 Clymer Shop Service Repair Manual for TR 2 3 & 4 in 330 pages (60_Triumph_Clym)
$34.95 |
How to Restore TR2 TR3 TR3A Tr4 4a Triumph: 208 pages by Roger Williams for TR 2 3 & 3A 4 4A (57_150082)
$79.95 |
The New Triumph Guide by D. Allen & D. Strome (60_TriumphGuide)
$32.95 |
Triumph Owners Handbook of Maintenance & Repair covering all TR Models by Clymer (60_TR_Clymer)
$39.95 |
54-75 TR2-TR6 Sportscar Triumph Portfolio, compiled by Unique, 160 pages; covers all Triumph TR models (54_TR_Models)
$24.95 |
54-76 Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer for GT6 TR6 TR4 TR3 TR2 Sportscar for Triumph (60_Clymer)
$29.95 |
54-76 TR2-TR6 & GT6 Clymer Publications Service Repair Handbook (65_TR_Cly)
$24.95 |
53-76 Triumph TR2-TR6 TR3 TR4 TR4A TR5 TR250 CD-Rom comprising 7 different TR Shop Service Repair workshop manuals, 9 different TR parts manuals & 16 different TR owners manuals (645_HMCC7002)
$59.95 |
53-76 Restorer's guide to TR2-3-4-5-6 Original Triumph hardcover 240 pgs beautifully presented by B. Piggott for TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR250 TR6 (659781906133689)
$54.95 |
Triumph TR from 20TS to TR6 by J. Nikas 96 pgs covering all TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 & more (69781445673820)
$21.95 |
Shop Service Workshop Repair Manual for TR25W (62_99_0921)
$69.95 |
Triumph: Sport and Elegance by Bill Piggott from the Haynes Classic Makes Series. includes technical information, driving impressions, and buying hints. Hardcover with color photos 160 pages (66_140192AE)
$44.95 |
Triumph TR2 - TR8 1953-1981 Schiffer Automotive Series Hardbound history of Triumph sports models including TR2 TR3 TR4 TR250 TR5 TR6 TR7 TR8 and more by W.Zeichner (67_31242)
$29.95 |
53-81 Collectors Originality Guide 352 pages hardcover by Bill Piggott for Triumph TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 TR7 TR8 combining the contents of three previous " Original Triumph" books in 352 hardbound pages (75_145872)
$189.95 |
52-81 The Triumph TR's A Collectors guide128 pages by G. Robson covering TR2 TR3 TR4 TR4A TR5 TR6 TR7 TR8 TR 2 3 4 4A 5 6 7 8 (65_104897AE)
$39.95 |
53-81 Essential Triumph TR2-8 history & information by D. Hodges for all the sportscar models including TR2, TR3, TR3A, Herald, TR4, TR4A, Spitfire, TR5, TR250, Stag, TR6, TR7, & TR8 (67_120590AP)
$29.95 |
TR's: collectors guide by G. Robson, 128 hardbound pages from TR2 to TR8 (OUT OF PRINT) (67_TR_Coll_GRob)
$34.95 |
SU Carburetor Tuning Tips & techniques & SU fuel pumps Manual 5th edition 186 pgs Design Function Charts Jet tables by make Comprehensive by G. Wade (65_B_SUT)
$39.95 |
Classic British Car Electrical Systems: Your Guide to Understanding, Repairing and Improving the Electrical Components and Systems That Were Typical of British Cars from 1950 to 1980 by Astley (69781845849481)
$79.95 |
Triumph TR by J. Taylor (70_149577)
$29.95 |
Kas Kastner Triumph Race Cars Street Cars & Special Cars Australia Britain Germany Italy & USA with DVD 290hp TR2 TR6 chassis TR3 GT6 build TR4 Spitfire and more in 252 pages (B10_39953B)
$159.95 |
Kastner Triumph Historical & Technical Guide for Triumph Cars by Kas Kasner 216 pages (62_32824)
$159.95 |
Kas Kastner's Racing Winning and other Myths in Triumph Sportscars TR3 TR4 TR250 TR6 GT6 & Spitfire 240 pages TR 2 3 4 5 6 Kastner (62_35858)
$299.95 |
Triumph Preparation Handbook 272 pages by Kas Kastner covering all Triumph sportscar models and all the secrets learned over years of official racing TR6 TR4 TR3 Spitfire & GT6 for Triumph (67_31912A)
$199.95 |
Triumph Cars in America 192 pgs by M. Cook How the company established itself in America prospered raced and ultimately left (65_125492AP)
$89.95 |
Keith Martin on Collecting Austin-Healey MG & Triumph (55_144238)
$19.95 |