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49-59 VW Beetle Authenticity Series by Bob Wilson covers Volkswagen Beetle (54_120139AE)
$189.95 |
50-62 Van & Transporter Bus Shop Service Manual by Volkswagen 1,144 pages with 2,000 photos (56_V262)
$199.95 |
The Porsche & Volkswagen Companion by Kenneth Ullyett 163 hardbound pages storys and technical info about early air cooled Porsche's & VW (65_PorscheVW_Co)
$44.95 |
49-64 Volkswagen Repair and Tune-up guide Beetle Karmann Ghia Transporter Bus 1100 1200 1500 92 pages by Glenn's (57_1345)
$19.95 |
Volkswagen Technical manual All about the Volkswagen 1200 Beetle Karmann Ghia Transporter Shop Service Repair Manual by Henry Elfrink 224 pages (65_1300_1500Svc)
$24.95 |
Volkswagen - A Week at the Factory photographs by Peter Keetman - A photographic story of the creation of the Volkswagen in 1953 (53_VolksFacPic)
$69.95 |
50-67 VW Transporter Van & Volkswagen Microbus specifications guide: 96 hardcover pages by S. Eccles (58_137526)
$24.95 |
VW Bus Custom Handbook Buying Repair Tuning Custom by Lawrence Meredith 128 pages many color photos cover 50-83 models (94_CustomBus)
$39.95 |
50-66 VW Volkswagen Type 2 Camper Microbus 1:18 model cream with sliding roof by Yat Ming (53_YM92327C)
$49.95 |
49-67 VW Beetle Specification Guide by James Richardson Documents Volkswagen Beetle specifications and model changes from the classic Beetle era 300 photos 160 pages (58_146127AE)
$69.95 |
49-67 Volkswagen Beetle Restoration Handbook: How to Restore to Orignal Factory Condition. 208 pgs. by Editors of VW Trends (58_HP_1342)
$39.95 |
49-67 VW Volkswagen type 2 Transporter 96 pages by Copping covering bus & more (59781445693460)
$24.95 |
49-67 VW Volkswagen Bus Transporter & Camper by Copping (59781908347268)
$19.95 |
49-69 VW Volkswagen Air-Cooled Large format shop service repair manual Beetle Karmann Ghia Bus Fastback Notchback Squareback 1200 1500 1600 & more by Chilton (59VW_70200)
$29.95 |
Volkswagen - All Cars up to January 1960 Workshop Manual including Beetle Kharman Ghia and more (60_VWAllCars)
$19.95 |
Plans and Instructions for Volkswagen Van Camper - by C R Hull - Plans for easy to make furniture for inside or otdoor camping fun for both amateur and professional builders - with detailed isntructions complete blueprints and much more (68_VolkCamperPl)
$49.95 |
30-60 Volkswagen Beetle the car of the century 500 pgs by Garwood Volume #1 covering VW development steps and evolutionary stages from the 40's thru the 50's (45_Garwood)
$999.95 |
50-71 How to HOTROD Volkswagen Engines HPBooks Covers 1200 1300 1500 1600 engines vw (BO_HotrodVW)
$34.95 |
49-71 Volkswagen Shop Service Repair Manual by Chilton for all types including Beetle Van Bus Trasnsporter Karmann Ghia 1200 1500 1600 Squareback Fastback & more (58_SrvChiltons)
$18.95 |
49-71 chiltons VW Shop Service Repair Manual hardbound 212 pgs for all Volkswagen including Beetle Bus Van Transporter 1200 1500 1600 Fastback Squareback & more (60_5624U)
$18.95 |
49-71 VW Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons covering all Volkswagen incl beetle ghia bus fastback squareback Transporter 1200 1500 1600 & more (60_5796U)
$19.95 |
Baja Prepping Volkswagen VW Sedans & Dune Buggies, by Bob Waar, 1970 guide with specific details for off roading (62_BajaPrepVW)
$29.95 |
47-72 VW Beetle Parts Manual 1200 1300 by Volkswagen approx 1,000 pages covering all Sedan & Convertible models (60_Beetle_Part)
$399.95 |
64 VW Beetle A Celebration of the Bug by C Campbell Hardcover 80pgs (64_CelebrateBug)
$19.95 |
1950-2001 Volkswagen Beetle Sedan Convertable Karmann Ghia & van; 1200 1300 1500 1600 1700 1800 2000 How to keep your VW Volkswagen alive a manual of step by step procedures for the complete idiot by John Muir (61_Keep_Alive)
$25.95 |
54-77 FIX YOUR VW Repair Manual Volkswagen Beetle by Larry Johnson (63_Fix_Your_VW)
$21.95 |
46-74 Volkswagen Model Documentation 240 pages of documented history of the Beetles, Ghias, Thing, Transporters, Type 3's, 411, 412 and 914 with changes and dates by J. Kuch (60_GVM1)
$29.95 |
67-79 VW Transporter & Volkswagen Microbus Specification Guide 470 illustrations hardcover development technical evolution & data codes (73_140617AE)
$44.95 |
Volkswagen Owners Handbook of Maintenance and Repair - Includes 1969 and before - Published by Floyd Clymer (50_VolksClymer)
$29.95 |
50-79 Volkswagen Transporter Van Shop Service Repair Manual 408 pages by Clymer (59_19701)
$29.95 |
How to Restore VW Volkswagen Beetle 224 pages by Jim Tyler all models Restoration (65_137520AE)
$159.95 |
50-79 Volkswagen Beetle & transporter Purchase & Restoration Guide Hardbound, 328 pages by Lindsay Porter (65_F474)
$29.95 |
Original VW Bus The restorers guide to all Bus, Panel Van and pick-up models 1950-1979 Volkswagen by Lawrence Meredith 128 hardbound pages many color photos (70_Originalbus)
$49.95 |
46-75 Volkswagen Beetle owners Survival Manual Tyler the ultimate survival manual for VW owners 144 pgs (61185532 - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
Making The Volkswagen Go by Post Motor Books Power and Speed Complete Elfrink (55_VolksW_Go)
$99.95 |
VW Beetle Performance Handbook by Keith Seume 120 pages A step by step guide to upgrading Engine transmission suspension & brakes for Volkswagen Beetle air cooled (64_125481AP)
$59.95 |
How To Modify Volkswagen Beetle Chassis Suspension & Brakes for high performance (SpeedPro) by James Hale. 250 x 207mm (portrait). 128 pages. Over 220 mono photographs/illustrations (64_137490)
$34.95 |
Custom Volkswagen VW's Beetles Bugs Kit Cars Dune Buggies Colour Family Album By A & D. Sparrow Hardback 250 x 207mm Artpaper throughout 96 pages 96 original colour photographs (64_137490AE)
$27.95 |
Original VW Volkswagen Beetle (new ed.), by Laurence Meredith Volkwagon (64_128281AE)
$59.95 |
Volkswagen Beetle the car of the 20th century hardback. 250x207mm. 192 artpaper pages by R. Copping. Over 200 mainly colour photos covering VW development steps and evolutionary stages from the 40's thru the 90's (64_1901295869)
$199.95 |
Beetle Complete Production History incl 78,000 changes. New 2nd edition published Sept 97. 256 pages. 250 illustrations. by Hans-Rudiger Etzold (64_F985)
$99.95 |
Beetle: Portrait of a legend by E. Baaske; 146 pgs (64_GVBE)
$28.95 |
VW Customs & Classics, by David Fetherson, 96 pg. picture book about all air-cooled Volkswagens (64_Z_121460AP)
$14.95 |
50-79 Volkswagen Bus history of passion hardbound 136 pg history by Hajt of VW Transporter Van traces the development of the all the many variation (709780764340741)
$29.95 |
Bulli Love Volkswagen Bus history of passion hardbound 166 pg history BulliLove by E. Baaske of VW Transporter Van traces the development of the all the many variation (709783667103048)
$52.95 |
Volkswagen Beetle Cabriolet Convertible History book Hardcover by M. Bobbitt 250 x 207mm. 112 art paper pages. Around 100 colour & b&w illustrations (70_133598)
$59.95 |
Volkswagen Camper & Microbus Transporter Shire Library Book by R Copping (70_NR659)
$19.95 |
Volkswagen VW Beetle Family Album by A. & D. Sparrow Hardback 250 x 207mm (portrait) Artpaper throughout 96 pages 96 colour original photographs (72_1874105693)
$23.95 |
Aircooled Volkswagen VW engine interchange parts manual both factory and aftermarket including performance parts 144 pages by Keith Seume (64_123597AP)
$25.95 |
54-83 FIX YOUR VW Repair Manual for Volkswagen Beetle Super Beetle Squareback & Fastback Dasher Rabbit & Scirocco by Larry Johnson (64_Fix_Your_VW)
$29.95 |