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62 120/1800 Lubrication manual, factory Volvo service info on vehicle lubrication (62_120Lube)
$19.95 |
63 P1800 owners manual by volvo (63_P18_OM - Not a shop manual)
$149.95 |
72 1800E owners manual by Volvo (72_P1800E_OM - Not a shop manual)
$149.95 |
73-74 P1800ES Shop Manual by Volvo for 1800ES (7VOLVP1800ESS)
$79.95 |
69-71 P1800e owners manual by Volvo (70_P1800eom - Not a shop manual)
$149.95 |
72-74 1800ES owners manual by Volvo (73_P1800ES_OM - Not a shop manual)
$229.95 |
69-72 P1800E & ES Shop Service Repair Manual by Volvo for P 1800 Sport including 1800ES (71_VOLVE1800S)
$72.95 |
P120 P1800 Disc Brakes Shop Service Repair Manual by Volvo (66_TP_10053_2)
$19.95 |
Volvo Performance Tuning B18 Handbook by Volvo (66_VOL_PERF_Tun)
$59.95 |
70-74 P1800 E & ES (B20) 182/183 Parts Manual by Volvo for 1800E & 1800ES (72VOLV182B20P)
$89.95 |
P120 P1800 Front End & Steering Gear Shop Service Repair Manual by Volvo (65_TP_10094_1)
$24.95 |
P120 P1800 Springs Shock Absorbers Wheels Shop Service Repair Manual by Volvo (66_TP_10099_1)
$19.95 |
P120 P1800 Clutch Shop Service Repair Manual by Volvo (64_10055_1)
$24.95 |
P120 P1800 Propeller Shaft Shop Service Repair Manual by Volvo (64_TP_10070_1)
$24.95 |
P120 P1800 PV544 Rear Axle (Spicer Mod. 27) Shop Service Repair Manual by Volvo (65_TP_10075_1)
$24.95 |
62-68 Volvo Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer for all Volvo model including P1800 P122 122 121 123 P210 P130 P220 B18 B16 B14 P120 Amazon Sedan Wagon & more... in 218 pages (65_Volv_Clym)
$39.95 |
63-69 P1800S owners manual by volvo (66_P1800S_OM - Not a shop manual)
$199.95 |
61-68 P1800 Shop Manual by Volvo (645_VOLVP1800S)
$69.95 |
61-68 P1800 Parts Manual by Volvo for P 1800 sports model (645VOLVP180B18P)
$59.95 |
56-68 Volvo 144 142 1800S 544 122 444 Repair Maintenance manual Chiltons 123 pgs (62_5668CHIL_SM)
$32.95 |
61-73 Volvo 120 130 1800 Shop Service Repair Manual P1800 1800E 1800ES 122 123 and other models by Haynes (67_97010)
$39.95 |
61-73 Volvo Manuals on DVD CD incl all Shop Parts & Owners Manuals Sales Brochures & Bulletins for 61-73 P1800 P1800S P1800E P1800ES 1800 1800 S 1800E 1800ES in English Spanish French German & Swedish (67_Volvo_DVD)
$59.95 |
61-73 P1800 Volvo Historic Library CD-ROM Technical Historical profile of P1800 P1800ES restoration & historical reference incl showroom literature road tests print ads photo gallery data plate decoder T.V. Series "The Saint" & Shop Service Repair Manuals (665_VID1800-04A)
$79.95 |
61-73 Swedish Iron Volvo 1800 History & Restoration Guide by B Webb detailing the P S E & ES Series with sections on production history restoration car clubs & specifications (66_SwedishIron)
$399.95 |
P1800 Essential Buyer Guide covers Volvo P1800E 1800ES 1800 1800E by N. Murray (69781787112773)
$29.95 |
60-73 Volvo 1800 & 120 Shop Service & Repair Manual by Autobooks 184 pgs. covers P1800 1800S 1800E 1800ES 121 122 123GT 131 132 133 221 222 223 and other models (66_B_VO18WH)
$44.95 |
70-83 Volvo 2 Chilton's Shop Service Repair and Tune-Up Manual Guide 142S 142E 144s 144E 145s 145E 164 164E 1800E 1800ES 264GL 264 DL GL 265 (71Volvosrvc_)
$16.95 |
60-73 P1800 Gold Portfolio; 172 pgs of articles about Volvo sports car, compiled by Brooklands. also covers 1800E & 1800ES (66_A_VO18GP)
$49.95 |
56-70 Chilton's Repair & Tune-Up Guide Shop Manual for all Volvo Models 1956-1970 including PV544 P1800 122 & more (59_Volvo_Chilt)
$32.95 |
P1800 The Complete Story of Volvo Sports Coupe 192 hardbound pages by D Styles: also covers P1800E 1800ES 1800 1800E (67_134345AE)
$35.95 |
56-73 Essential Volvo 120 & P1800 the cars & their story; by A.D.Clausager 122 123 1800E 1800ES and more (63_122662AE)
$59.95 |
Volvo P1800 Ultimate Portfolio 208 page book of articles including P-1800 1800E 1800E sports car and sport wagon 208 pages portfolio of articles in book form (66_VO18UP)
$44.95 |
70-89 Chilton Large Format Covering all Volvo gas, turbo, & diesel, 740, 760, 780, 240-260, 140-160, 1800 (80_72300)
$39.95 |
Volvo P1800 1800E 1800ES Osprey Autohistory by A. Whyte hardcover (70_Volvo_Osprey)
$39.95 |
45-66 Volvo Shop Service Repair Manual by Glenns for the PV444 PV544 122S and P1800 (55_VolvoGlenns)
$34.95 |
44-68 Volvo Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer for all Volvo model including PV444 PV544 P110 P1800 PV445 P122 122 121 123 P210 P130 P220 144 142 145 B18 B16 B14 P120 Amazon Sedan Wagon & more... in 460 pages (55_19649)
$34.95 |
The Complete Guide to the Volvo 1800 Series History Book by John Creighton 96 hardbound pages (67_Vol1800Guide)
$49.95 |
The Great Cars Series Volvo by Gladys Nicol 144 Hardbound pages (62_GCVolvo)
$34.95 |
27-92 Volvo Buyer's Guide European and US market models 128 pgs by John Matras (64_BuyersGuide)
$39.95 |
27-00 Volvo Cars History by C. Olsson: 128 hardbound pages detailing every model with specs & production figures up through the year 2000 (60_129965AE)
$39.95 |
Volume 22, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Cadillac V-16 Volvo 1800 Locomobile '69-'71 Boss Mustang Bentley Merkur XR4Ti. (B20_AQVol22Iss4)
$29.95 |